- What is Turmeric?
- When was Turmeric Oil first used?
- Benefits of Turmeric Oil
- How to use Turmeric Oil
- Contraindications For Turmeric Oil
Turmeric is most commonly known as a powder spice derived from the Turmeric rhizome and as a staple ingredient in Indian cuisine.
Turmeric powder has come to gain various other uses, such as cosmetic and therapeutic, much like Turmeric Essential Oil.
Used in aromatherapy applications, Turmeric Essential Oil’s warm, earthy, woody scent is believed to help uplift, energize, comfort, and strengthen the body and mind.
Used in cosmetic applications, Turmeric Essential Oil is believed to cleanse, nourish, clarify, smooth, calm, invigorate, strengthen, and exfoliate the skin and hair.
Used in massages, Turmeric Essential Oil is believed to support the body’s natural recovery process, promote skin elasticity and firmness, and help manage topical discomfort.
Turmeric is often associated with the finely-ground powder spice that is added as the main ingredient to curry recipes to contribute its natural, brilliant, orange-yellow color; however, this plant and its byproducts have an eventful history of various uses. This flowering member of the Ginger family is largely grown in India, where its rhizomes are traditionally dried in order to obtain a powder – which, in India, is referred to as “haldi” among various other names – that is used in not only culinary applications but also in cosmetics as well as in religious observances as a symbol of peace, health, happiness, fertility, purity, prosperity, and new beginnings. It is customary for Indian brides to apply a paste consisting of this “Indian Saffron” as a full-body exfoliant before the wedding day in order to naturally promote the skin’s radiance.
The Turmeric plant is also said to have been used as early as 4000 years ago as a medicinal substance as well as a spiritual and ceremonial object. Today, the Essential Oil derived from steam distilled Turmeric rhizomes, which are sometimes referred to as root stalks, can be applied similarly, while its warm, earthy, woody aroma can even yield emotional benefits.
Used in aromatherapy, Turmeric Essential Oil is believed to:
- support and strengthen immune function and encourage a positive response
- soothe the mind and uplift the mood with its warm, woody, earthy, and spicy scent
- promote positive emotions and increased energy
- address negative emotions, fatigue, loss of appetite, headaches, and symptoms of allergies, colds, and fevers
- manage respiratory conditions that make breathing difficult, such as asthma
Used on the skin, Turmeric Essential Oil is believed to:
- be a strong antibacterial and antiseptic agent that may be beneficial for application to areas of minor burns, cuts, bites, and bruises
- cleanse, clarify, smooth, calm, invigorate, and brighten the skin
- generally support skin health
- remove excess natural skin oil
- diminish the appearance of blemishes and wrinkles
- improve the skin’s resiliency
- moisturize dryness to alleviate itchiness
- exfoliate to remove dead cells and reveal new skin, which can enhance natural radiance and promote a supple, healthy, revitalized appearance
Used in hair, Turmeric Essential Oil is believed to:
- nourish and strengthen the strands
- remove loose dandruff flakes from the hair
- moisturize dryness to help establish healthy scalp conditions that are conducive to hair growth
Used in massages, Turmeric Essential Oil is believed to:
- support the body’s natural recovery process after vigorous activity and injuries
- promote skin elasticity and firmness through moisture
- promote a sense of well-being through massage when experiencing itching, bruising, soreness, pain, cramps, and inflammation
- invigorate the skin
- support the body’s natural digestive function
Used in aromatherapy applications, Turmeric Oil is reputed to diminish the discomforts of coughs and colds. Adding 2-3 drops to an electric diffuser is believed to help achieve this. To offer more profound relief to the respiratory system with the added benefits of other valuable essential oils, begin by combining the following oils in a dark glass bottle: 10 drops Turmeric Essential Oil, 6 drops Ginger Essential Oil, 4 drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil, and 3 drops Clary Sage Essential Oil, then diffuse 7 drops of this blend for up to 30 minutes, inhaling deeply. If used for a few days a week, this blend is reputed to promote easier breathing and to support not only immunity but also a sense of relaxation and emotional balance. This blend may be diffused at times when concentration is important, such as during spiritual practices or study sessions.
Used in topical applications, Turmeric Oil is known to tighten and tone the skin with its astringent properties. Its richness in antioxidants makes Turmeric Oil a popular rejuvenating feature in skincare routines for its reputed ability to maintain the skin’s softness, smoothness, and natural radiance. For a simple nightly skincare treatment that is believed to promote the complexion’s suppleness, mix 1-2 drops of Turmeric Essential Oil with 2 Tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar or 1 Tbsp of a preferred Carrier Oil. Suggested oils include Argan, Castor, Jojoba, Olive, Sweet Almond, and Tamanu. Gently massage the blend into areas of the face where wrinkles and fine lines tend to be more prominent, such as around the mouth and nose, and on the forehead and neck. This helps to not only moisturize but to also promote elasticity, to clean acne-prone skin, and to brighten and even out areas with damage caused by overexposure to sunlight. This deeply hydrating and softening blend can also be applied nightly before bed to cracked areas of skin, such as the heels. For greater effectiveness, prepare the feet by first soaking them in warm water for 10-15 minutes, as this will aid in the skin’s absorption of the oil.
Used in haircare applications, Turmeric Oil is reputed to restore and support scalp health. For a moisturizing, conditioning, and fortifying hair mask that also removes loose dandruff flakes, add 3 drops of Turmeric Essential Oil to 4 Tbsp of a preferred Carrier Oil, such as Coconut or Neem – for more oil suggestions, click here – and leave it on for up to 30 minutes, then shampoo and condition as usual. Hair that is light in color might potentially experience staining at first; however, this should easily wash out with shampoo.
Used in a massage blend, Turmeric Oil is reputed to exhibit antimicrobial, calming, and carminative qualities that are believed to address minor wounds, rashes, and itchiness as well as the symptoms of digestive complaints, colic, loss of appetite, menstrual discomforts, and joint pain. For a massage blend that is believed to console these stresses, dilute 3-5 drops of Turmeric Essential Oil in 1 Tbsp. of a preferred Carrier Oil, then massage the blend into the preferred areas of the body. For those who suffer from joint or muscle pain, focus on areas affected by tenderness, stiffness, and swelling.
As per NAHA guidelines, Essentially You Oils (EYO) does not recommend the ingestion of Essential Oils. It is imperative to consult a medical practitioner before using this oil for therapeutic purposes. Pregnant and nursing women are especially advised not to use Turmeric Essential Oil without the medical advice of a physician, as it may have an effect on certain hormone secretions, and it is unclear whether these effects are transferable to babies at these stages of development. The oil should always be stored in an area that is inaccessible to children, especially those under the age of 7.
Those with the following health conditions are recommended to be advised by a physician: cancer, heart-related ailments, skin disorders, hormone-related ailments, or epilepsy. Individuals that are taking prescription drugs, undergoing major surgery, or who are at a greater risk of experiencing strokes, heart attacks, or atherosclerosis are also advised to seek medical consultation prior to use.
Prior to using this oil, a skin test is recommended. This can be done by diluting 1 drop of the Essential Oil in 4 drops of a Carrier Oil and applying a dime-size amount of this blend to a small area of skin that is not sensitive. Individuals with fair or pale skin could potentially experience staining on the skin. Turmeric Oil must never be used near the eyes, inner nose, and ears, or on any other particularly sensitive areas of skin. Potential side effects of Turmeric Essential Oil include irritation, dizziness, nausea, stomach upset, and diarrhea.
Those seeking medical care to manage moods, behaviors, or disorders should treat this essential oil as a complementary remedy rather than a replacement for any medicinal treatments or prescriptions. In the event of an allergic reaction, discontinue use of the product and see a doctor, pharmacist, or allergist immediately for a health assessment and appropriate remedial action. Individuals with spice allergies should not apply Turmeric Essential Oil topically. To prevent side effects, consult with a medical professional prior to use.
IMPORTANT: All Essentially You Oils products are for external use only unless otherwise indicated. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, and it should not be used by anyone who is pregnant or under the care of a medical practitioner. See Disclaimer.